Adapting to Social Media, March 5, 2017

Apologies off the top for my month-long absence, but it has not been without purpose. Once more I have been attempting to: increase my presence on social media, sought reviews for Gathering Storms Advanced Review Copy, adapted Nobilis: Seedling for a submission, polished off a short story I have had on my backburner for over a year, continued to adapt Children of Twilight, while still working my day job and caring for my family.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s an adventure that I hope will continue.

If you’ve noticed, my homepage now has all my social media links, which I am attempting to update over the next week so that it will be easier to find me across all the separate platforms.

It’s also my goal to increase the Gathering Storms around Canada page, so I’m going to get started on that before my youngest wakes and tears me away from my screen once again.