I don’t write,
I craft,
I imitate,
I dream,
And then I etch it all using words as my paint in the hopes that someone will understand my illusions
I’m Stephen Coghlan, a writer of speculative fiction who inhabits a small area just outside of the great, and oft-frozen, national capital region of Canada. I love telling stories and creating worlds. Within this website is a selection of works and information that I invite you to peruse at your leisure.

Please feel free to use the menu bar to find your way around.
Stephen M. Coghlan
It’s taken me years, but Nobilis book 2 (Loam, Radix, Ramus, GENUS) is finally done its THIRD draft at 89k. Keeping with the space-opera theme, book 2 presently fits 3 conjoining episodes about FAMILY together, and sets up the next adventures in a way that I’m happy with.
The first publisher EVER to take a chance on me, has endured a non-hostile merger. It is a mixed feeling when a house you know and love, and one that has supported you from day 1, changes.

This has led to several of my completed and signed and edited works being released to me, while they continue to support and supply some of my novellas.
This is an exciting and scary time. Both Genmos and Nobilis are mine to do with as I see fit, and I’m still figuring out what to do with them, especially because…
I JUST finished writing the first draft of book 2.
Do I go all SELF PUB, or… do I find a new house for these works?
Thank you for all the support. If it wasn’t for taking a chance on me, I would not be who I am today.
Spies, Action, ROMANCE
LeaveNoWipBehind is the hashtag I use when I refuse to leave one of my works in progress unfinished. When I started writing, I wrote 8 novels. All but 1 has been published or signed, (Genmos became a trilogy instead of a quadrilogy, so I count it as half of the original 4).

Well, I’m finally brave enough, and mature enough, to handle the last story, a Spy-Action/Romance featuring a diverse cast, without coming off as a racist and homophobic jerk.
The edits are done, and the stats are up!
Old Versus New
Words: 113,752 v 75,232
Chapters: 32 V 39
Now, all I have to do is work up the courage to start submitting.