October 1st, 2016

Fall has arrived, and between the busy season at work, and the many chores to prepare for the winter ahead, I’ve managed to keep writing in what little spare time remains.

Last month I began a flurry of emails to writing groups as I begin to prepare my advertising for Genmos. Among the actions I’ve performed are: requesting membership with the Furry Writer’s Guild, (Still pending) continued working on my website, (a tireless task) and writing several short stories for anthologies related to my novel.

Although I haven’t heard from most of my submissions, I am pleased that one of my month’s works has made it to the finals. The deadline for both works was today, and I sit in eager anticipation of the results and even if nothing comes out of it, I can at least say that I’m learning more and more every day.

Now, if only my grammar would improve. . .