An Ode to Those Long Past, March 31, 2018

So I returned to some WIPs I had left on hiatus while finishing the rewrite of GENMOS Book 2: Crossroads.

Among them is a co-authored optimistic novella which I hope will have a positive effect on a community I’ve come to respect, but I am not a part of. This WIP is based partly on some of my friends, most of whom I’ve lost track of over the years.

I didn’t part from them for any negative reason… It’s just one of those things that happen.

As I get close to completing the 1st draft, I realize how much I miss them.

I miss hearing Rose, whose original name is now considered a deadname, telling me about when she knew her Dad accepted her gender. I miss seeing her smile as she recounts how he bought her a dress for her prom.

I miss “Chris” and his light look on life, and how he destroyed me in a game of “I never.”

And I regret not reaching out to tell others how they influenced me.

There’s no secret that I draw inspiration from webcomics.

One comic in particular, opened my eyes and heart to the struggles certain people face, and allowed me to better understand my friends.

The problem is

I never said thank you to the creator.

The last comic was produced in 2015… and the artist has since cut ties, going so far as to change their name.

Anyone who reaches out to them about their old works is ignored.

I never had a chance to say

Thank you

Thank you for building bridges

Thank you for giving me an understanding of my friends’ trials when they were too scared to reach out for help.

Thank you for making me laugh and smile.

I want to tell the creator, thank you for inspiring me, and if the WIP has the intended positive result, I’d love to send them a hard copy and ask them to sign it for me…

But, I respect their want for separation from their creation.

I’m just sad that I didn’t say Thank You when they would have listened.

Please, let me say Thank you now, to all those who have been, are being, and will be a positive influence in my life.

To each and every one of you whom I name in my heart:

Merci Beaucoup
Thank you

I appreciate all you have done, are doing, and will do for me.

My heart to yours.
